Christmas Wreaths for Sale
Deer Lagoon is making Christmas wreaths for the building fund.
They will be available at "Country Christmas at the Fair" at the Whidbey Island Fairgrounds November 23, 24, 25 and December 1 and 2, 10am to 3pm.
The Grange will provide provide shipping boxes for a small additional fee.
Cookies for the Troops
Grange members got together and baked about 20 dozen cookies today for sailors and marines at NAS Whidbey who are unable to get home for Thanksgiving.
Earthquake Preparedness Event
Deer Lagoon Grange hosted an Earthquake Preparedness Event Tuesday, November 20 at 7.
The main part of the presentation was a movie, "Earthquakes and Emergency Preparedness", developed by the "4-HD" 4-H Club of Whidbey Island, leader Robert Elphick. Following the video we had a forum with people representing; 1. Island County Department of Emergency Management was Eric Brooks; 2. Red Cross of Whidbey Island, Nancy Waddell; 3. Medical Resource Team, Terri Clark; and 4. Shelf Reliance, Reece Rose. Attendance was 64 people.
DLG members in attendence were; Gary and Tarey Kay, Chris Williams, Andrea Linton, Reece Rose, and Chuck Prochaska.
Photos by Gary Kay
Grange Building Preservation
Work has begun on the Deer Lagoon Grange Building.
This shows construction work creating a foundation for South and East walls of the 1904 building structure.
The original building was supported by charred Cedar rounds setting on the ground.
This is an original support "charred Cedar round sitting on the ground" of the East wall of the 1904 structure
of the Deer Lagoon Grange Building.
Start of foundation under East end of the 1904 structure.
This is a view looking NE at the South wall of the Grange building. It shows the footings which will soon have
a foundation wall poured over them.
Deer Lagoon Grange Honors 52 year Member
Tom Talbot, Clinton, was honored by Deer Lagoon Grange for over one-half century as a member of the Grange. The award presented by Master, Ken Schillinger, during the ceremony conducted at the June business meeting (Tuesday June 5th) is called the “Golden Sheaf” award and was signed by National Grange Master, Ed Luttrell and National Grange Secretary, Judy Sherrod. This award has been issued to over 12,250 individuals since 1917.
The award reads, “Golden Sheaf Certificate issued by the National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry in recognition of Continuous Grange Membership certifies that Tom Talbot has been enrolled in the Permanent Records of those who have Devoted a Half Century to the Order…to Agriculture…and to Mankind. Issued at Washington D.C.”
Tom originally joined Ellisforde Grange #1010 of Okanogan County in June 1960. After his retirement, Tom and Irene relocated to Whidbey Island, once on the Island Tom transferred his membership to Deer Lagoon Grange #846 where he has served as Lecturer and Grange Display Chairman. Tom is well known in South Whidbey for his service with the Lions Club, volunteer work for the elementary school, and his cheerful service at Ace Hardware, Freeland.
Chuck Prochaska
Island County Grange Competition Results
This year the Island County Grange Competitions were held at Deer Lagoon Grange hall in Langley on May 12th. The highest scoring entries in each category are eligible to participate in the State wide competition at the Washington State Grange Convention in Spokane June 20-24.
In the Arts and Crafts Competition the entries eligible this year are: Edible Food Art by Christine Williams, Langley; and an entry in General Crafts and one in Fiber Crafts, plastic canvas by Elinor Zonneveld, Mount Vernon.
In the Family Living Competitions the eligible entries are: Sewing, Chair Upholstery, by Diana Nestor, Camano Island; and a Canning entry in each of three categories; Fruit, Spreads, and Pickles by Christine Williams, Langley.
Two entries in Photography are eligible for the State level competition, one in Animals and one in Portraiture, both by Bob Cadwallader, Greenbank.
Submitted by Chuck Prochaska
May, 2012
Community Volunteer of the Year
Deer Lagoon Grange at its “Grange Month” celebration April 18 honored one of its own members with its “Community Volunteer of the Year” award. This is an annual award recognizing an individual or group in the community for outstanding volunteer effort.
This year the award was presented to Christine Williams. Chris was recognized for her work as a volunteer working with several groups in Island County including among others: Friendship Force of South Whidbey in their effort to raise disaster relief for the victims of the Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan; Serving with Whidbey Island Farm Tour for the last several years; Coordinating activities with Slow Foods Whidbey Island; Serving Island County Fair in several important ways including being the Superintendant for the Baking Section and organizing the 2011 “Fair University”; Works with the Islands Chapter of the American Red Cross; Actively working with Greenbank Farm and supporting its Agriculture Training program; Greenbank Garden Club; and Deer Lagoon Grange.
As a member of Deer Lagoon Grange, Chris has organized the very successful Community outreach program of Grange Food Basics. This program is a series of “free to the public” two hour meetings intended to educate those attending on various aspects centered on food. Raising food, preparing food, preserving food and thus far has included aspects of foods of Mexico, India, and Africa.
Another program initiated by Chris is her bi-weekly email information letter informing her friends (over 400now) of what is happening in the food education community including events in Skagit, San Juan, and Snohomish Counties.
Chris is a retired Veterinarian, University professor, and sheep farmer.
Submitted by Chuck Prochaska
April, 2012