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Board of Directors, consultant on technical applications. English as a second language (ESL) multimedia language training company. January, 2004 to June 2006.  Board took company from losing sales and losing money to a profitable position, by restructuring, taking the company private, solving major technical problems in installation, product development, product security and sales.  Successfully sold company to Pearson-Longman in June 2006.

Vidyatech LLC.
E-learning development, software and consulting. Director Instructional Technology, September, 2001 to present.

CSSI, Inc.
Senior Principal Analyst for the Automated Performance Management System (APMS) project under FAA funding. The project is to develop a working model for the routine collection and analysis of digital flight data, and support its implementation at participating air carriers through the related Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) Demonstration Project. Continued project below as senior consultant. October, 2001 to 2004.

JIL Information Systems, Inc.
Senior Principal Analyst for the Automated Performance Management System (APMS) project under FAA funding. The project is to develop a working model for the routine collection and analysis of digital flight data, and support its implementation at participating air carriers through the related Flight Operations Quality Assurance (FOQA) Demonstration Project. October, 1996 to 2001.

Vice President of Research and Development.
Consulting on multimedia and interactive video training and instructional design for Air Canada contract. Developing corporate technical standards and specifications. Generation of technical and functional specifications for transaction shell templates and other authoring tools, electronic performance support systems and automated support tools for training and skills analysis. Staff selection and training. Technical support for marketing. March, 1995 to September, 1996

Island MultiMedia
President and principal consultant.
Consulting on multimedia and interactive video training and instructional design for Eyring Corp., MascoTech, Caterpillar, Leading Way, Performx, NIIT, the Paramedic Academy for the Justice Institute for British Columbia, Wonderware and Intra-View. 1994 to 2005. 

Jostens Learning Corporation
Director of Instructional Design, Adult Basic Education, Jostens Learning (Hartley Software Group).
Responsible for consulting on instructional design, advanced product design/development, and integration of Wicat computer-based ABE products into Jostens product line. 1992-1994.

Wicat Systems, Education Division
Director Adult Basic Education/Adult Basic Skills, Education R&D, Wicat. Responsible for the design and development of computer based adult basic education and at-risk student curriculum materials and programs. 1991-1992

University of Washington
Instructor, Introduction to Instructional Design EDCI 481a, University of Washington, Winter 1988.

Instructor, Design of Interactive Instructional Systems EDCI 587b, University of Washington, Summer 1987.

Wicat Systems, Training Division
Technical Director, Training Systems Division, Wicat. Responsible for new product development in interactive multimedia, technical input to all TSD products, and technical consulting for clients. The relevant technologies include hardware, software, and ISD among others. The technical direction included problem solving, tool development, proposal generation, initial design, and TSD and client personnel training and support. Significant projects included Wicat Generation Environment (WGE), Sage, WISE, SMART, PeaceShield, Boeing 747-400 Flight and Maintenance Training, Boeing 767 Task Analysis and Prototype Definition, AT&T videodiscs, IBM videodiscs, and client systems installations and personnel training at AT&T, Denver Research Institute, American Express, British Telecom, Manpower Services Commission UK), ATECH (Zurich), Royal Army Signal Corps (UK), and the National Security Agency. January 1981 to 1990, with reporting assignments varying between Training Systems, R&D, and Marketing Divisions as needed.

Technical Director, Wicat Productivity Tools Development. From 1986 to 1991, designed and supervised the development of advanced productivity tools for development of multimedia products for Wicat. These have been characterized by the development of lesson strategy templates implemented in lesson production through the use of sophisticated "lesson generators" as opposed to traditional CBT lesson authoring techniques. Currently over 30 Wicat developed projects and 10 external clients have used these tools and they remain the technology of choice within Wicat for most lesson development. WGE, FED, Image, and Sage are products which have been spun out of this effort. The approach effectively eliminates lesson logic development and debug as significant budget items, in spite of the fact the strategy templates typically have very sophisticated branching (coefficient of branching complexity>22). Typical logic investment on templated projects is 3% or less of the budget, as opposed to up to 40% on conventional CBT development projects.

Technical Director, Seattle Office, Wicat. In 1986 negotiated with Wicat to move to Pacific Northwest. Selected one account representative-trainee and was charged with building sufficient Wicat business in region to justify move. Within 2 years had 6 projects employing over 70 people ongoing.  New authoring tool development and significant R&D projects augmented the courseware development projects.

Technical Director, Boeing Commercial Aircraft Corporation 767 Maintenance CBT program for SAS and internal use. Supported analysis phase of project and developed analysis deliverables to client. Developed automated authoring tools and template tools and documentation. Continued consulting on project through July, 1990. 1988 to 1990.

Technical Director, Boeing Commercial Aircraft Corporation 767 Flight Crew CBT program for SAS and internal use. Set up and consulted on analysis and design phases of program through development of demonstration prototypes and initial demonstration videodisc. Developed automated authoring and template tools and documentation. Conducted training on tools and continued to consult on project. March 1988 to conclusion of project, 1990

Project/Technical Director, Boeing Commercial Aircraft Corporation 747-400 flight and maintenance CBT program. Hired and trained staff and set up and directed CBT development project through analysis and design phases and into development phase. Continued to consult on project and subsequent extensions. December 1987 to 1990.

Project/Technical Director, Boeing Aerospace Corporation Peace Shield CBT/Videodisc Subcontract, October 1986 to 1990. Set up project to provide technical support and staff for operator and maintenance training for Saudi air defense system. Hired and trained staff, directed project through analysis and design phases, successfully competed for CBT hardware and authoring contracts, developed specifications for automated authoring tools and template system, and continued to consult through development phase. Development task was interactive video and CBT lessons covering more than 2000 hours of on line instruction. Supported Boeing technical reports and US and Saudi Air Force review meetings with briefings, presentations and demonstrations in US and Riyadh. 1986-1988

Supervising Instructional Psychologist, IBM, IFS Self-Paced Course Development Project. (The Supervising Instructional Psychologist's role was technical definition, supervision, and quality control. Typically 3-10 project directors would report to him for technical supervision and to a Group director of TSD for administrative supervision.) November 1980-June 1981.

Supervising Instructional Psychologist, IBM, Interactive Personnel System, CAI course on IBM software product. August 1981-May 1982.

Supervising Instructional Psychologist, Computer Resource Management, (CRM) Training Project, develop text course to teach CRM to U.S. Army CECOM personnel. July 1981-January 1982.

Supervising Instructional Psychologist, Smith-Kline & French project to develop a library of 15 interactive medical videodiscs. November 1980-April 1982.

Supervising Instructional Psychologist, Project to develop three IBM Office Products Division training courses in text and CAI utilizing IIS. January 1980-January 1981.

Supervising Instructional Psychologist, IBM COPICS Purchasing Interactive Videodisc Course Development. Technical supervision of development of an interactive videodisc course for customers and sales representatives for a new IBM software application project. This was the first interactive video training and demonstration product for IBM Data Processing Division. November 1980-March 1981.

Project Director, Army Maintenance Trainer Evaluation and Simulation System (AMTESS). Direct Project to design and develop CAI, 2-D simulation, and central computer systems to control integrated 3D-maintenance trainer for electronics and automotive maintenance. Project required instructional analysis, design and development for computer controlled videodisc programs and computer graphics. September 1980-April 1981. Technical consultant on development phase of project. April 1981-May 1982.

Wicat Institute
Project Director, Storage Media Technical Study Project. Project to analyze and document major information storage technologies and trends for U.S. Army Communicative Technology office (ACTO). Analysis report included 10 year technology projections for use in Army planning for advanced communications technology systems. Analysis team included hardware, software, and training experts and consultants. May 1980-February 1981.

Analyst/Consultant, U.S. Army Training Development Institute (TDI) consultant (through Battelle Corporation contract). Tasked to analyze existing systems supporting task analysis and documentation in support of major analysis RFP effort by TDI leading to identification of prerequisite learning tasks and skills critical to success in over 100 different Army MOS training programs. Tasked to recommend specifications relating to data formats, structures, and analysis for that effort. April 1980-June 1980.

Project Director, DEC/GIGI Project. Project to develop 3 online courseware/software packages for advanced DEC product (VK 100) announced in October 1980. Packages developed include CAI (CDS) lessons for sales training for new device (including tutorials, simulations and automated glossary), package for new device, and online sales analysis and support routines. January 1980-November 1980.

Project Director, Smith-Kline & French Co. Project to develop and demonstrate an interactive, computer controlled videodisc patient management simulation for gastroenterologists (demonstrated at the International Congress of Gastroenterologists, June 8, 1980. Hamburg, Germany). This was the first commercial computer-controlled interactive video patient management simulation ever produced. It included a rule driven expert system for performance evaluation and feedback, and upon completion and demonstration of the product, Wicat was awarded subsequent contracts that eventually led to the development of 16 titles in the “Diagnostic Challenges” series. November 1979-November 1980.

Courseware, Inc.
Director, Computer Applications, Courseware, Inc. Supervised and coordinated development of internal corporate data processing function, and directed computer dependent activities of all contracts. 1977-1979.

Project Director, Computer Aids to Instructional System Design (ISD), NAVTRAEQUIPCEN. Analysis of Computer Applications to ISD Functions. Generated specification for automating the ISD process. 1977-1978.

Supervising Instructional Psychologist for two Plato courses developed for CDC in the areas of business communications and value selling. 1977-1979.

Project Director, DOD Author Training Course and Author Management System, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Instructional and software development and implementation effort. Generated the Author Training Course (8 volumes), and the Author Management System. 1976-1978.

Instructional Psychologist and Director of CAI Development for Courseware, Inc. Project Director S-3A Aircrew Training (TICCIT Development Activity). Installed first commercial TICCIT system, directed revision of course of over 1000 objectives including development of over 450 CAI objectives using both TICCIT and Plato. 1974-1976.

San Diego State University
Instructor, Computer Uses in Education, Department of Educational Technology and Librarianship, San Diego State University, 1977.

MITRE Corporation
TICCIT English Production Coordinator (Consultant to MITRE Corporation). Directed production of TICCIT English courseware and coordinated implementation of course at test sites.

Brigham Young University
Instructor, Educational Psychology for Teachers, Brigham Young University, 1973.

Institute for Computer Uses in Education (ICUE)
Instructional Design Technician (IDT), TICCIT Project, University of Texas and Brigham Young University. TICCIT was one of the two major NSF projects funded in CAI in the early 1970’s. As IDT, responsibilities included instructional psychology-systems interface for courseware authoring and production teams in TICCIT math and English courses. In addition, provided systems specification inputs and working papers defining answer processing, online proctor functions, nonstandard courseware components, and implementation plans. 1971-1974.

Kansas City, Missouri Public Schools
Director, Computer-Assisted Instruction Laboratory, Kansas City, Missouri, Public Schools. Founded the KC Public Schools CAI effort, one of only four major public school CAI activities at the time. The project was funded for a total of five years under a combination of ESEA Title III and public school funding, and has continued since under local funding. Systems utilized ranged from the IBM1500 to 360/APL terminals. Generated over 300 hours of junior high math and science CAI lessons (CW II). 1966-1971.

Secondary Math Instructor and Swimming Coach, Paseo High School, Kansas City, Missouri Public Schools, 1966.

McCune Home for Boys
Counselor, Coach, Cottage Parent at McCune Home for Boys, Jackson County, Missouri, 1965-1966.

Knob Noster, Missouri Public Schools
Secondary Math and Physics Instructor, Knob Noster (R VIII). Missouri Public Schools, 1964-1965.

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