Professional Experience
Workshops Presented
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First Mortgage Network, Florida.
Analysis of computer based instructional management system alternatives in
context of corporate university. Development of a progress map taking FMN from
simple training management through full electronic performance support systems
(EPSS) applications, to an enterprise-wide, fully mature knowledge management
system. Fall, 1998 to present.
NIIT, New Delhi.
Development of advanced instructional templates for case-based, problem
oriented simulation curriculum model for interactive multimedia development.
Review of instructional management (CMI) system. Initial content area to be
addressed in Windows NT 4.0 training. September, 1996 to October 1997.
Paramedic Academy, Justice Institute of B.C. Consulting/contracting for front
end analysis and preliminary design for conversion of EMA I course to
multimedia. Summer - Winter, 1996.
NIIT, Ltd., New Delhi, India. Consulting and staff
training for multimedia curriculum development for TSUNAMI project. Fall -
Winter, 1996
Wonderware, Inc., Irvine, California.
Consulting on setup and design issues for Wonderware Corporate University,
including instructional strategy templates, computer managed instruction (CMI)
and electronic performance support systems (EPSS). Summer-Fall, 1996.
Cobeat, Ltd., Palmerston
North, N.Z. Proposal support for Malaysian elementary school CAI initiative.
April, 1996.
Performx, Fredericton,
New Brunswick, Canada.
Initial standard operating procedures/documentation for corporate interactive
multimedia design and development approach. Staff hiring and training. Proposal
generation. Technical Support of Marketing. VP of R & D. March 1995 -
The Training Group (TTG), Edmonton,
Alberta, Canada.
Specifications for Instructional Systems Design support functions (software
specs) for the TTG electronic performance support system (EPSS), Tracess. 1995.
Leading Way, Irvine,
CA. Instructional template specifications, testing specifications. Spring, 1995
- present.
IntraView, Toronto,
Ontario, Canada.
Instructional Systems Design, Interactive MultiMedia
Design and Development, Learner Control navigation feature specifications,
interactive video prototype development. Fall, 1994 - Spring, 1995.
Caterpillar, Peoria, IL. Automated authoring template
specifications, testing specifications. Fall, 1994
MascoTech, Detroit,
MI. Proposal support and automated authoring template specifications. Fall,
Eyring Research, Salt Lake City, UT.
Analysis and recommendations for workfloor assignment
(EPSS) software product. 1994
Cobeat, Ltd., Development of Automated Test Bank
Design, Palmerston North, N.Z., March, 1990.
ATA Maintenance Training Committee on CBT Standards, Consulting on Strategy
Templates and Learner Control Functions, Copenhagen,
December, 1989.
Civil Aviation Division, Ministry of Transport, New
Zealand, Automated Test Bank Design, Massey University,
Palmerston North, N.Z., February, 1987.
Boeing Aerospace Corp., Technical Review of PeaceShield
Contract with USAF and Royal Saudi Air Force, Technical support for CBT issues
and demonstration of CBT prototypes and proof of concept to RSAF, Riyadh, Saudi
Arabia, March, 1987.
Northern Telecom, Task Analysis, Objective Hierarchy Development,Syllabus
Generation, and Introduction to ISD, May 1986.
Hudson Institute, CBT Technology and Trends, Instructional Systems Design, for
a study for the state of Oklahoma, Indianapolis, Ind., 1986.
ARINC Research Corp., CAI Technology and Trends, Nuclear Power Industry CBT
Guidelines conference, University of Maryland, November, 1985.
Field Oy, CBT Technology and Trends, Helsinki, Finland,
June, 1983.
Data Cybernetics, CAI Technology and Marketing Requirements, Johannesburg,
Capetown, Port
Elizabeth, South Africa.
July, 1983.
Carnegie Foundation, Maryland.
Technology and the public schools, needs, trends and state of the art. 1981.
Royal Army Signal Corps, Catterick, UK.
CBT authoring procedures and CMI systems design and implementation. 1981 -
British Telecom, Stoke-on-Trent,
authoring procedures and CMI systems design and implementation. 1981 - 1983.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Needs and Goals Analysis, Task Analysis, and
Objectives Hierarchy Development for training course on Very Long Based Interferometry (VLBI), Goldstone/Pasadena, 1980.
Battelle (for Army Training Development Institute)
analysis of existing computer-based aids to task analysis, 1980.
University of California
and San Diego, Medical School;
CMI and Registration Problem Analysis for Department of Continuing Education,
Sweetwater Public
Schools; Analysis of Micro-computer Hardware Selection, and
Reaction to Computer
Magnet School Plans,
British Columbia Telephone Co. (GTE); Analysis and Critique of corporate
training program, and of plan to implement CAI, 1978.
Honeywell Corporation; Analysis and Critique of software Design Response to
Instructional Features Requirements for F-16 Maintenance Trainer Suite, 1978.
Arthur Anderson and Company; Analysis and Critique of Corporate Training Plan,
Hazeltine Corporation; Analysis of Marketing Plan for
CAI Based Training Devices, 1978.
Oral Roberts University;
CMI, CAI, Instructional Design and Development, 1977.
Kansas City, Missouri, Public Schools; CMI, Instructional
Design and Development, 1977, 1979.
University of Kansas, CAI, Instructional Design, 1976.
MITRE Corporation; CAI, Instructional Design, Curriculum Production, 1974.
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Last Updated January, 2003
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