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Baer, L.H. and O'Neal, A.F., Very large scale production of CBI for military training, Technology in Training and Education (TITE) conference paper and proceedings, Biloxi, Miss., March 1988.

Bhardwaj, Krishna K., Prabish, Chandran, O'Neal, A.F., and Gibbons, Andrew S., Large Scale Development of Learning Materials: Critical Issues, Educational Technology Research & Development, Vol. 46, No. 2, 1998. P. 94-104 ISSN 1042-1629

J.S. Bresee, A.F. O'Neal and J.S. Jennings; Establishing Relationships Between Flight Data Parameter Values and Instructor Evaluations of Performance for Selected Advanced Qualification Program Qualification Standards. Proceedings of the Ninth International Training and Education Conference, Lausanne, Switzerland, April, 1998.

Campbell, J. Olin, Gibbons, Andrew S., and O'Neal, A.F., Applications of expert systems in the design and development of instruction, Panel, ADCIS, Oakland, Ca., November, 1987

Bunderson, C.V. and O'Neal, A.F., Emerging Strategies for Videodisc Design, Munchner Kreis, Ubernational Vereinigung fur Kommunikationsforschung, Telekommunikation fur Bildung and Ausbildung, Munich, June 1980.

Fairweather, P.G. and O'Neal, A.F., The Impact of Advanced Authoring Systems on CAI Productivity. Journal of Computer Based Instruction, Summer 1984, Volume 11, Number 3, pp 90-94. (Also presented with demonstrations at Man and the Media: International AILA Symposium on Research Tendencies in the Teaching of Foreign Languages with Technical Aids, Frankfurt, W. Germany, June 1984.)

Fairweather, P.G., O'Neal, A.F., and Huh, Y.H., Techniques for courseware development , Sub-regional Training Workshop on Micro-ISIS, ILO, Asian and Pacific Skills Development Program, United Nations, Islamabad, Pakistan, 1988.

Fairweather, P.G., Gibbons, A.S., O'Neal, A.F., Rogers, D., and Waki, R., A model for computer based training, AI Expert, Vol. 7, No. 12 , December, 1992

Faust, G.W., and O'Neal A. F. Computer-based management of instructional development, or how to keep track of the players and pieces while you play a good game. Paper presented at AECT, Miami, April 1977. (a)

Faust, G.W., and O'Neal A.F., Instructional science and the evolution of computer assisted instructional systems. Paper presented at IEEE, New York, April 1977. (b)

Faust, G.W., Hughes, J.A., and O'Neal, A.F. Instructor's manual for Educational psychology: The science of instruction and learning. Dodd, Mead, and Co., Inc., 1973

Fine, S., and O'Neal, A.F., TICCIT answer processing: A reference manual. Provo, Utah. Brigham Young University, ICUE, July 1973

Gibbons, A.S., Fairweather, P.G. and O'Neal, A.F. The future of computer-managed instruction (CMI), Educational Technology, May 1993.

Gibbons, A.S., and O'Neal, A.F. New worksurfaces for instructional systems design, ADCIS, Philadelphia, 1988.

Gibbons, A.S., O'Neal, A.F., and Fairweather, P.G., Management of Instruction and Assessment in Aviation, in Designing Instruction for Human Factors Training in Aviation, Avebury Press, Aldershot Hants, U.K., G. J. Hunt, Ed., April, 1996

Gibbons, A.S., and O'Neal, A.F., New worksurfaces for instructional systems design, Journal of Interactive Instruction Development, Spring 1989.

Gibbons, A.S., Hughes, J.A., and O'Neal, A.F., Lesson specification course. San Diego. Courseware Inc., 1975.

Guise, R., O’Neal, A.F, Parker, R., McCarthy, F., A Transformational Story of Community Engagement, Conference Presentation, Washington State School Directors Association 2009 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA., November, 2009

Kearsley, G., and O'Neal, A.F., The dialectic of artist and technologist in instructional systems development. AEDS, Detroit, May 1979.

Kearsley, G.P., and O'Neal, A.F., The role of simulation in large scale ISD. NTEC Industry Conference, Orlando, 1978

Kearsley, G.P. and O'Neal, A.F., Computer based instructional systems of the 80's. San Diego State University College of Education Conference "Technology for Instruction for People." January 1979

O'Neal, A.F., Computer-assisted instruction in the junior high.
CASMT Conference, Austin, Texas, 1968.

O'Neal, A.F., Computer-assisted instruction laboratory in mathematics and science. Project resume in Pacesetters in Education, ERIC, 1969. (ERIC Document Reproduction Services No. ES 002-128)

O'Neal, A.F., Instructional strategies in CAI. Panel paper, NSTA. Co-chaired panel with Bill Richardson, Montgomery County, Maryland Public Schools. Cincinnati, 1970.

O'Neal, A.F., The role of the public schools in computer-assisted instruction. Educational Technology, March 1970.

O'Neal, A.F., CAI and the changing role of the instructor. CASMT Conference, Austin, Texas, 1971.

O'Neal, A.F., Answer processing on the TICCIT system: An introduction (with workbook). Courseware Inc., San Diego, 1973.

O'Neal, A.F., Learner control of instruction: requirements and potentials (ICUE Technical Report #2). Brigham Young University, Division of Instructional Services, Institute for Computer Uses in Education, Provo, Utah, 1973. (b) (Given as an ADCIS paper, summer session, University of Michigan, 1973) (ERIC numbers EDO 83805 and EMV 11514).

O'Neal, A.F., Computer use and simulation games in instruction. Discussant for session 10.01, AERA, New York, April 1975.

O'Neal, A.F., Authoring facilities - boon or boondoggle?, Panel paper, NAUCAL, Portland, October, 1976.

O'Neal, A.F., A review of current developments in the computer assisted training field. Keynote speaker, Association for Systems Management, KC, Mo., April, 1976.

O'Neal, A.F., Use of TICCIT in the Navy setting. AERA, New York, April 1976.

O'Neal, A.F., A review of research bearing on parameters of learner control of instruction. Courseware Technical Memorandum Series, 1977.

O'Neal, A.F., Specification and development of computer aids to ISD. AERA, San Francisco, April 1977.

O'Neal, A.F., An author management system and other computer based aids to ISD. AERA, San Francisco, April 1979, ERIC number ED 172 814.

O'Neal, A.F., An analysis of eight interactive videodisc training programs. ADCIS, Atlanta, Ga., March 1981.

O'Neal, A.F., Instructional authoring systems - two approaches, Discussant, Symposium on instructional authoring systems, AERA, Los Angeles, April 1981 (Participants: R. Braby, W. Endsley, A.S. Gibbons, A.F.O'Neal, M.D. Merrill).

O'Neal, A.F., Future applications of distributed systems to training. First Annual Conference on Personnel and Training Factors in Systems Effectiveness, NSIA, San Diego, May 1981.

O'Neal, A.F., Development cost factors in the new training technology, NSA conference on "E.T. and High Technology," Baltimore, January 1983.

O'Neal, A.F., The evolution of authoring systems and the automation of ISD, NSA conference on "E.T. and High Technology," Baltimore, January 1983.

O'Neal, A.F., Waterford School and the Wicat Education Institute: An alternative model for CAI research and development, CALICO Journal, June 1983.

O'Neal, A.F, CBT technology and trends in the U.S., impromptu paper delivered at invitation of Prof. Jukka Lehtinen, at "Tietokone Opetuksen Apuvålineenå", Helsinki, Finland, June, 1983.

O'Neal, A.F, Instructional systems design and CBT in the U.S., impromptu paper delivered at invitation of Prof. Jukka Lehtinen, at "Tietokone Opetuksen Apuvålineenå", Helsinki, Finland, June, 1983.

O'Neal, A.F., Advanced CBT authoring systems - characteristics and trends, Technical Applications/Language Knowledge (TALK) Conference, CALICO, Baltimore, January 1984.

O'Neal, A.F., An alternative model for CAI in an educational environment, T.H.E. Journal, May 1984.

O'Neal, A.F., Networking CBE for communication and management of information, ADCIS (Panel), Philadelphia, March 1985.

O'Neal, A.F., The current status of instructional design theories in relation to today's authoring systems, Conference on Multi-Media Authoring Systems - The Convergence of Computer-Based Training and Interactive Video, London, June 1985.

O'Neal, A.F., Discussant for Session A: An examination of existing hardware and a look into the future at the next generation of machine technology, Defense Intelligence Agency and the University of Pennsylvania Conference on Second Language Teaching and Educational Technology: A State of the Art Symposium, Defense Language Institute, Foreign Language Center, Presidio of Monterey, California, February 1986.

O'Neal, A.F., Computer-based training: technology and trends, presentation and proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Advances in Human Factors in Nuclear Power Systems, American Nuclear Society, Knoxville, Tenn., April 1986.

O'Neal, A.F., Evaluating CBT tools, invited paper presentation and proceedings in Permagon Infotech State of the Art conference on "Computer Based Training - Learning to Compete", London, June 1986. Also published as a chapter in Technology-based Training: State of the Art Report, Labinger, M., and Finch, P.J., Editors, Permagon Infotech, Oxford, 1986.

O'Neal, A.F., CBT: Technologies and trends, invited lecture at Civil Aviation Academy, Massey University, Palmerston North, N.Z., March, 1990.

O'Neal, A.F., Issues in ISD, invited panel member, Technology and Innovations in Training and Education (TITE) Conference, Atlanta, March, 1989.

O'Neal, A.F., Instructional systems design: Techniques for the classroom, Designing Instructional Excellence VI: The State of the Art, The Learning Exchange/Silicon Prairie Association, Kansas City, Mo., December 1990.

O'Neal, A.F., Future adult learning & improvement through computer based instruction, The 3rd Annual Conference for Innovative Educators, Utah Council of Alternative Educators, Westminster College, Salt Lake City, Utah, August, 1992.

O'Neal, A.F., FAA AQP Study at Alaska Airlines, Ninth International Commercial Aviation Training Conference, San Francisco, CA, September, 1997.

O'Neal, A.F., The current status of instructional design theories in relation to today's authoring systems, British Journal of Educational Technology, Vol. 39, issue 2, pp  251-258, 2008.  (Republished from O'Neal, A.F., The current status of instructional design theories in relation to today's authoring systems, Conference on Multi-Media Authoring Systems - The Convergence of Computer-Based Training and Interactive Video, London, June 1985.)

O'Neal, A.F., and Boessenroth, T.U. Interactive training systems, ASNT Conference on Effective Use of Audio Visual Aids in NDT Training, Phoenix, April 1987.

O'Neal, A.F., and Bresee, J.S., AQP and FOQA at Alaska Airlines: Looking at What the Data Tells Us, FOQA 97, Irvine, CA, November, 1997.

O'Neal, A.F., and Fairweather, P.G. The evaluation and selection of computer-based training authoring systems. CALICO Journal, December 1984.

O'Neal, A.F., and Fairweather, P.G. Language instruction and artificial intelligence: implications and requirements for computer based instruction authoring systems. CALICO, Baltimore, January 1985.

O'Neal, A.F., Fairweather, P.G., and Huh Y.H.
An introduction to instructional systems design, paper presented at the Follow-up Tri-partite Meeting of Occupational Standardization for Overseas Workers, ILO Asian and Pacific Skills Development Program, United Nations, Goa, India, 1988.

O'Neal, A.F., Gibbons, A.S., and Fairweather, P.G. Les nouvelles methodes pedagogiques aux Etats-Unis, paper presented at the conference Nouvelles Technologies...Une Revolution dans la Formation, Centre de Recherche Multimedias, Groupe SUP de CO, Amiens, Picardie, Fr., December 12, 1991.

O’Neal, A.F., and Hughes, R., Step by Step … How and Why You Need to Become a 21st Century School, Conference Presentation, Washington State School Directors Association 2009 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA., November, 2009

O'Neal, A.F., and Jennings, J. Automatic lesson generation: productivity and instructional rigor, Defence Systems International: The Annual Review of Air Systems, Sterling Publishing Group, London, 1989

O'Neal, A.F., and Lipson, J.I. Instruction with the intelligent videodisc, ASEE Annual Conference presentation and proceedings, 1982.

O’Neal, A.F.,  Niewenhuis, Chris, and Van Noy, Carol, Online Instruction: The Benefits and Pitfalls, Conference Presentation, Washington State School Directors Association 2008 Annual Conference, Spokane, WA., November, 2008

O'Neal, A.F., and O'Neal, H.L. Author management systems. In Harry O'Neil (Ed.), Issues in instructional systems development, Academic Press, 1979.

O’Neal, A.F., and Parker, R., Book Discussion Session: Disrupting Class, Conference Presentation, Washington State School Directors Association 2009 Annual Conference, Seattle, WA., November, 2009

O'Neal, A.F., and Ross, C.J. An analysis of government contracting practices in terms of cost and contingency management implications. AERA, San Francisco, 1979, ERIC number ED 169 390.

O'Neal, A.F., and Owens, D. L., Design Requirements for Computer-Based Learning Systems for Aviation, in Designing Instruction for Human Factors Training in Aviation, Avebury Press, Aldershot Hants, U.K., G. J. Hunt, Ed., April, 1996

O'Neal, A.F., Wankel, M.J., and Jerin, J.M. Issues influencing effectiveness of computers in education, AAPT Conference, San Francisco, January 1987.

O'Neal, H.L., Faust, G.W., and O'Neal, A.F., An author training course for resident school environments. In Harry O'Neil (Ed.), Procedures for instructional systems development, Academic Press, 1979.

Parker, Rich, O’Neal, A.F.,  Price-Johnson, Helen, Scoles, Steve, McCarthy, Anderson, Leigh, McCarthy, Fred, The Power of Listening in Transformative Change, Conference Presentation, Washington State School Directors Association 2008 Annual Conference, Spokane, WA., November, 2008

Taylor, S.S. and O'Neal, A.F., Authoring systems and large scale CAI development, AERA, Toronto, Canada, 1978.

Walker, R.A., O'Neal, A.F., and Campbell, J.O. Automated lesson generation for high volume computer based instruction - Phase II, SALT Conference on Interactive Instruction Delivery, Orlando, Fla., 1989.


Three major funding proposals and a final evaluation document for Title III, ESEA, PL 89-10.
$814,000 in funding resulted. 1968-1971.

O'Neal, A.F., A proposal for cost effective CAI for the Kansas City Public Schools, working paper and Board presentation, 1968.

100-300 hours of CAI lessons in junior high math and science including online diagnostic tests, automatic remedial drills, and ecological simulations. Written in Coursewriter II for the IBM 1500 system, since converted to the IBM 370 in Coursewriter III. As project director, was responsible for all analysis, design, development, testing, revision, and validation of these materials. 1968-1971.

100-250 hours of CAI lessons (some classified) on oceanography, acoustics, navigation, and antisubmarine warfare tactics, TICCIT CAI system with some Plato development. North Island Naval Air Station, San Diego. Was responsible for staff training and supervision, instructional analysis, design, and development.

Developing specifications for concept instruction, self instructional learning package in DARPA funded Author Training Course (Contract MDA903-76-C-0216). Was the project director for entire contract (8 volume course), and was the instructional designer for this part of the course. Courseware, Inc. 1976

Four Videotape scripts for use on TICCIT system, Introduction to TICCIT, TICCIT Learning Strategies, Functions, Relations (with Dr. Ted Boessenroth).
Tapes used as part of TICCIT Courses at BYU, Phoenix College, and Northern Va. Community College since 1974. Some continuing use by U.S. Navy at NAS North Island and Cecil Field.

Hughes, J.A., O'Neal, A.F., and Hymes, J.P. ISD task priorities for computer aided training systems development and management (CATSDM). NAVTRAEQUIPCEN Data Item 004, Contract Number N61339-77-C-0018. Project Director and principal analyst on this product, wrote deliverable report, 1977.

O'Neal, A.F., Monsees, J.H., Carey, J.L., and Smith, L.H. F-16 training management system needs analysis and design concept. F-16 Development Report 12, DOD Contract number F02604-77-C-0075. Principal analyst on this deliverable, wrote report, 1977.

Gibbons, A.S., O'Neal, A.F., Farrow, D.R., Axtell, R.H. and Hughes, J.A., F16 training media mix, F-16 Development report No. 31, Courseware Inc., San Diego, Ca., October, 1979 to March, 1981.

O'Neal, A.F., Analysis of existing programs for CATSDM. NAVTRAEQUIPCEN Data Item No. 005, Contract No. N61339-77-C-0018. Project Director, principal analyst, designed software, wrote report, 1977.

O'Neal, A.F., Online TICCIT proctor functions. TICCIT NSF design paper, BYU, ICUE, 1971.

O'Neal, A.F., File referenced genulators: notes on building infinite item files. TICCIT NSF design paper, BYU ICUE, 1971.

O'Neal, A.F., Suggested TICCIT answer processing functions. TICCIT NSF design paper, BYU, ICUE, 1971.

Ross, C.J. and O'Neal, A.F., TICCIT Implementation: system scheduling parameters. TICCIT NSF design paper, BYU, ICUE, 1972.

O'Neal, A.F., Artificial intelligence in education/training, and Computer adaptive testing, two invited papers presented to GTE CBT User Committee Conference, Dallas, May, 1986.

Last Updated January, 2003.

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