"Koda" - ShaRays Clearly Artesian
BISS Ch ShaRays Ezra JH CD X CH ShaRays Fair Emma CD
DOB 12/12/04 * Prelim Good and clear * Optigen clear * CERF at 8 weeks & annually
Koda is another handsome Ezra kid. He lives, trains & is loved by the Swanson family, and his mom Emma.
Marlys and I are enjoying co-owning this happy young dog.

July '05 in the puppy class.
Koda with mom Marlys are doing quite well in the conformation ring. Reserve Winners Dog at the BC Labrador Specialty!
Koda is being trained in the field by Marlys with lots of help from Josh.

Koda gets plenty of play and sleep time with his fun boy toys.

The whole family trains together. K-9 and human.
In a down stay are Koda, Emma & Penny with Josh training.